I had THE BEST weekend celebrating my first Mother's Day and Birthday! It all started Friday, the night before my birthday. After we got home from work, we played with X and his play table on the living room floor. Next thing I knew, our babysitter showed up at our front door. Steve had arranged a surprise early birthday dinner. He took me to the Lindey's patio, which we'd never been to, and it had the perfect atmosphere. The picture doesn't do it justice, but here's a peek...
After dinner, we walked to one of our favorite coffee shops, and on the way made a stop at the Garten Markt, where you can purchase a wooden salad bowl for $125 or potted plant for $25. Granted, I'm sure they were of better quality than what I would buy. It was kind of fun watching the people eye these goods with such awe. We did nothing less than make fun of them (hee-hee, yea we TOTALLY didn't fit in). Regardless, it was such a wonderful evening, especially since we topped off the night at Cap City with some spectacular peanut butter pie.
Saturday morning, on the day of my birthday, we spent lots of family time together, opening presents (Book of Mormon tix - yea!!), taking selfies, and treating myself to a facial.
This crazy fool loves to see himself in my phone. |
That evening, a friend stopped by for dinner, drinks, and more drinks. Steve is getting really good at this grilled fruit thing, by the way.
On Sunday, Steve arranged for us a special Mother's Day brunch on the patio at Cap City (can you tell I love this place?). We took naps on the back porch.
Twins. |
We took Xavier to his music class and met up with friends for dinner. Little Xavier has himself a best friend (aww!). Watching these two play together is just adorable.
To top off my incredible weekend, Steve prepared a mimosa bar especially for me! I wrote about it in
an earlier blog post and had no idea he would actually do it. He threw in a special treat, the discontinued Philosphy Mimosa body wash. He actually found it! Mmmm, trying not to drink it:)
Nail Color: Trout Pout by Butter |
Ok, so I don't know if it was something we ate or drink on Saturday night, but Steve and I both woke up Sunday in a complete dizzy, fog-like state. We thought food or naps might cure it, but this weird feeling lasted the entire day. Anyway, here are some reasons why, on Sunday, we would not have received the Parents of the Year award:
1. We realized at 7 AM that we were completely out of Xavier's formula, just in time for Xavier to realize he wanted his bottle 10 minutes ago.
2. We were so foggy after getting Xavier dressed for the morning, we left him to play on his play mat while we went to lay back down. When we came back, at some point, poop had exploded out the sides of his shorts, it was on his hands, feet, rug, clothes and toys.
3. When feeding Xavier his lunch, he leaned forward, more forward, and more... Oops, his space saver high chair was just sitting on the chair. No straps were strapped.
4. On the way to dinner, I completely passed by the restaurant I've been to a hundred times and seemed to still think it was 5 more minutes up the road.
4. At dinner, we didn't take Xavier's diaper bag inside so when he made a mess all over himself, we dipped napkins in water glasses to wipe him and pretended we weren't hillbillies.
5. While on the exit ramp, I looked back and saw Xavier's carseat laying at a 45 degree angle. Wha? Guess it's been strapped in improperly since 3 weeks ago when we took it out.
Aw, but it was such a good weekend! I felt so loved by my guys:) I hope all the mommies out there felt as special as I did this weekend :D