What an awesome holiday weekend we had filled with perfect summer-like weather! Over the past few days, I've read some personal stories from friends who have lost loved ones while serving. My husband served twice overseas and personally knew several people who lost their lives while defending our country. It's so sad to think about.
We spent most of the weekend struggling with Xavier's, unbeknownst to us until this morning when I finally took him to the doctor, ear infection (whoops). He had a fever last week, a cold, and was not himself all weekend. I had lots of fun summer things planned, but didn't get to them all because little X-man wore Mama out. When he is fussy like that, he doesn't let me leave him alone or he cries. He needed held a lot. It was a tough holiday weekend, but Grandma Pheanis came to town and cheered him up a bit while Steve and I went to see Book of Mormon.
Eeeee! Look how close! |
Xavier didn't seem to mind his ear infection while Grandma was here. They went to on a long walk and to a nearby playground.
We went to a friend's house for a picnic. Xavier got to see some of his best friends. He had a blast and I did too. I like watching him interact with other kids. He's in his element around other people and loved all the attention he received.
Only babies can decode this conversation. |

On Memorial Day, we served up a red, white, and blueberry breakfast. It would also be fun to replace the "white" with Cool Whip. Mmm, dessert for breakfast!
We had some friends over on Memorial Day. It was Xavier's first experience in the baby pool and he took to it well! He was a little confused at first (which is common of all new things he tries), but had fun when Steve showed him how to pour water on his little toes. And, the
Huggies Little Swimmers diapers are a must for anyone taking their babies out in the water. The water makes the diapers suck onto the skin so all his waste gets trapped in the diaper. They are great!
Um, this doesn't look like my bathtub. |
Ahhhh, the water tickles my toes! |
Can't see it all, but his shirt says "S.S. Cutie - Captain Adorable." Awww... |
We roasted marshmallows (because what's a summer gathering without them?), drank some festive summer drinks, and listened to Lady Gaga's Teeth radio on Pandora.
Make mine a double! |
Could this picture be any more perfect?! |
Steve makes some amazing Sangria (as shown in my freezer meal party spread
here). I've heard of people putting a couple cups of Fresca in their Sangria to give it a lighter, less alcoholy-taste, but I think it would work better for white Sangria. For our red Sangria, we mix a bottle of Carlo Rossi Sangria with some wine, and add fruit - either a can of fruit (what we use) or fresh from the produce aisle. We have been told, by friends who just returned from Spain, that our Sangria tastes just like the real thing! The fact that we use the Carlo Rossi stuff can be our little secret :)
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