Wednesday, May 14, 2014

9 Months

Best Friends
Holy Moly, the time is flying!  Little guy just turned 9 months old!  Time to start planning for the 1st Birthday (don't worry, I already have some sketches in the works).

Stats: 24 lbs. 7oz. (94 percentile), 30 in. long (94 percentile)
Personality Traits:  Happy, fun, curious, excited, easy-going, loves to laugh
Favorite Activities/Signature Moves:  Fake kisses, wind blowing through his hair, Momma's wiggling feet, whispering "da, da, da, da...", head-butting (he's a professional), clapping his hands, attracting attention at the grocery store, laughing at crying babies which is becoming very regular at day care, backwards crawling which results in him getting stuck under the dresser, and Daddy's claw hand.

Dislikes:  the sound of the vacuum cleaner makes him cry (and I laugh, haha!)
Dad's Proudest Moment:  It's been a difficult month with Xavier getting HMFD, Roseola, two ear infections, and a mysterious rash that won't go away, which at times made me want to snap my fingers and disappear bottle-feeding difficult.  I sometimes give up on feeding and Steve gives it a try.  On several occasions, about 5 minutes after I've given up, I'll hear Steve singing, "You can tell everybody... you can tell everybody..." over and over until I look at him.  [For those of you who don't know the song, it goes "Girl you can tell everybody, yea you can tell everybody, go ahead and tell everybody, I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man"]  Steve got Xavier to take that bottle. 
Mom's Proudest Moment:  I left Xavier on his play mat in his room while I took a quick shower.  I turned on his radio for him and Katy Perry's Roar was playing.  When I came out, he was sitting exactly where I left him, smiling, and shaking his shakers to the tune of "Talk Dirrty to Me."  Mama for the win.

An exchange while taking the photo below:  
Steve:  Walks in to X's bedroom
Alli:  You're blocking my light.
S:  Moves a little
A:  You're still blocking it.
S:  Moves a little more but now casts a shadow on X's face
A:  Ugh, seriously can you move?
S:  It is like LifeTouch studios every morning in this room! *in a very annoyed-sounding tone*
You know what I say to that?  Deal.  He's only little once :)
Camo Cutie - notice the curls making their debut above the ear.
I'm slacking this month and didn't get to put together a list of Xavier's 9-month favorites.  Hoping to include them in next month's post.  But, you can see all other Monthly Favorites HERE.

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