Friday, March 21, 2014

Seventh Month Favorites

Time continues to fly by and Xavier is getting more and more fun to play with.  I used to not believe it when people said it, but it really does get better as they get older.  Xavier is now sleeping 12 hours straight through every night.  I get so excited when I hear the little morning cries because it means I can run in there and smother those chubby cheeks with kisses!  The seven month toys are the best and most fun by far.
Dino Ball Popper - We sit Xavier infront of this ball popper and he intently stares at the balls bouncing up and down.  This toy keeps his attention more than any other toy we have!  The balls pop like popcorn and it helps his fine motor skills as he reaches to grab the moving balls.
UGG Infant Bixbee Booties - We LOVE these shoes!  They are the only pair Xavier can't pull off.  They come in a variety of colors, too!  If you want a pair that stay on and are comfy/soft, get these!
Abacus - This keeps Xavier entertained while I get ready in the morning.  We sit him on the floor of his room with this in front of him and he's happy for at least a half hour.  He likes to slide the beads from side to side and roll his hands down it.  I think he likes the bright colors as well.
Bright Starts Grab and Stack Blocks - These blocks are a must have!  We count the blocks as we stack them on top of each other and Xavier loves to knock them down!  These blocks are soft and perfect for putting in his mouth.  They also make a crinkly sound that he always loves to play with.
Britax Marathon Convertible Car Seat - Disclaimer:  We do not actually own this car seat.  We have a cheap Cosco carseat from Walmart.  But, I read tons of reviews and did research and found this seat to be the safest and best for babies who outgrow the infant carrier (at around 30 pounds).  They come in a variety of colors, too.  If the Cosco one fails us, we are getting this one!  I do own the Britax B-Agile B-Safe Travel system and I have to say, Britax products are WONDERFUL.
Go, Dog Go - Of all the books we read to Xavier, this book has been one of his favorites since we started reading to him around 3 months.  When I turn to a new page, he looks all around the pages at the bright colors and illustrations!  This book is engaging for him and he now helps me turn the pages.

See all Monthly Favorites posts here.

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