We are quickly approaching spring, even though we've felt like it's been spring most of the winter. It's been unseasonably warm, and even though we appreciate not sloshing around in our snow boots, I secretly miss the snow. Especially because Xavier likes to play in it so much!
Lately, we have been busy with Xavier's basketball and swimming classes on Saturday mornings. We wanted something to help us get out of the house on the weekends because they just seem to get such a slow start. Xavier loves basketball, but wasn't the biggest fan of swimming. I think we'll sign him up for more basketball classes this spring.
I've been busy collecting interior decorating books and trying different recipes from my blogger friends. My favorite dishes to make are quick breads. I made a chocolate pumpkin bread last fall, and recently experimented with some banana breads that turned out amazing! I'm also designing some locker systems with a local carpenter so we can keep the coats and shoes from being visible from the kitchen area.
We are also thinking about summer vacation ideas. I want to take the whole family on a summer trip since I know when Xavier starts pre-school this fall (omg!!) we will be limited on flexibility of taking vacations. And Xavier is at such a great, independent, fun age, that it'd feel less overwhelming getting there. I think we could now enjoy it more. We are tossing around going to Nashville, Cincinnati, and Kelly's Island.
1. Xavier turned 3 and a half the day after Valentine's Day. We took his measurements on the giant ruler hanging in his room, as we do every 6 months, and he's grown a whole 2 inches since turning 3!
2. He is such a negotiator. When we tell him he can have two pieces of chocolate, he immediately responds with "three" or "five". If we tell him he has to eat three more bites of dinner, he says "two".
3. He loves his family and hanging out at home (just like me!). His favorite thing to do is right before bed, all of us gather on his blanket to read stories. When Jasper comes in the room, Xavier gets so excited, he runs up and shuts the door. He says, "We're all to-geh-vure." It makes him so happy.
4. He is hilarious! He likes to do things that get a laugh, over and over again. His new things are to roll his eyes in the back of his dad (like Papa does) while dropping his mouth at the same time. It's so funny. He also has a new trick where he puts a plastic coin in one hand, shows you both closed hands, and makes you pick which hand has the coin. If you guess the right hand, he'll quickly switch the coin to the other hand and say, "Noooooooo!!"
His excitement for things (even if he doesn't understand what I'm telling him we are about to do, but still say it with an excited tone) is the best. Whether it's his birthday, or going to grandmas, or going to the basement to play the "weed" (Wii), he always has something he looks forward to. I love this about him! It's (almost) always a fun and entertaining time when he's around.
Xavier is really growing up fast. He's started requesting to hang out with friends from the babysitter's house on the weekends, which really makes him seem like such an independent, little guy. He's making grown up decisions on who he wants to spend his free time with. And I love carting the kids around to different places. Seeing Xavier have so much fun with his friends is really a treat!
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