Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our Day in Pictures

And let me start by saying, staying at home all day is tough with a toddler!
I took the day off to spend time with my little man while Steve went to work.  We had a jam packed day filled with trips to the local donut shop, zoo, and a stop for ice cream.  Here's some highlights!

7:30 am - Xavier slept in a little, we raced around to get dressed and out the door for a quick breakfast and play date.

8:45 am - Local donut shop for goodies, which began and ended in Xavier's meltdown. He wanted to touch the donuts and is upset he can't.  I call Steve, on the verge of tears, to calm myself down.  It's not even mid-morning yet!

9:00 am - While Xavier is losing his mind in the backseat, I drive around checking the clock every 5 minutes to see how much time til Dad comes home hunting for the play cafe we are supposed to be meeting other moms for a play date.  Can't find it, throw other half of my donut and a sippy in the back seat, take loops around the highway, and magically, thank the Lord, get a calm, happy baby!

10:00 am - We end up, unexpectedly, at the zoo!

He fits right in with the big kids!

11:30 am - Head home for lunch and Xavier's nap.
On our way home, I noted a funny exchange between Nicki Minaj and Xavier:

While Xavier sleeps, I read some of my latest find at the library, "Primates of Park Avenue".  Think Upper East Side moms meets anthropology analysis.  Though somewhat fabricated, I'm sure, it's quite entertaining!

3:00 pm - Quick trip to get ice cream and play in the shop's play area.  Xavier eats from his first big boy cone.  We made it this far till Meltdown #2.  He didn't want to leave and let me know with his mean left hook!

4:00 pm - Head home for quiet time.  We watch some videos and sing songs together.

6:00 pm - Meet the "6:00 superhero" (Dad) at our favorite Mexican restaurant!  As we left the restaurant, we had Meltdown #3 resulting in Steve stepping on my ankle and me almost dropping Xavier, and somehow, all three of us ended up in a bear hug in the middle of the patio (don't ask).

6:30 pm - Finished our evening playing outside with Xavier, listening to him pointing out planes, cars, birds, and bicycles, throw mulch, and swing on his tree swing.

7:30 pm - Bath time, stories, and bed for our little man.

8:15 pm - OITNB with a delightful piece of Godiva chocolate :)

And an early bedtime for this tired Mama!

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