Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 Truths & 1 Lie

Ever played the game "Two Truths & A Lie" as an ice breaker?  I love hearing random things about people!  So I'm sharing some random things/confessions about me.  Hope I didn't just put my foot in my mouth on this one, LOL.  Here goes!

1.  Lately, I have been struggling with my patience level and mom guilt (mom guilt especially after Xavier goes to bed).  Whether it be for something I yelled at Xavier for (or Steve) or for not taking the time to do something I should have.  I need to remember Xavier is only a toddler, and that means tantrums and relentless whining.  But geesh, it's been every single day lately.  He's our little wild child, testing his limits, watching us with a tiny smile as he climbs on his train table to see if we will stop him.  I know it's a phase, but this one is the longest and most challenging.  Maybe when he turns five I will regain my sanity!
2.  Unsolicited advice on how to tame a toddler is, well, unsolicited.  Sometimes I vent just to vent, not because I'm searching for an answer.  Oddly enough, I do find myself giving it to other moms.
3.  I obsess about Xavier's photo sessions.  Whether it be that I haven't had enough pics taken of him to capture that chubby baby face, or that it's Mother's Day and I have to do a "Mommy & Me" session, or that I want the perfect holiday photo of us as a family!  After each session's photos come back, I count out the months until the next session.  It's June, and I'm already thinking about the next Christmas card.  But, I better get that 2nd birthday session scheduled first.  Good grief!!
4.  I want a double vodka with a splash of cranberry and a twist.
5.  Since I'm still in my prime time of having babies, and I only have one, and it's a boy, yep...I constantly get asked about number 2.  The thought of a number 2 crossed my mind about a month ago, but then I came home to Xavier's crayon art all over the woodwork we just had painted in our breezeway.  My response: Not anytime soon!!
6.  I did not eat 12 homemade chocolate chip cookies in one sitting this weekend.  Nope.

Can you spot the lie?
Spoiler Alert:  It's number 6!!  Who does that??

And because no blog post is complete without a photo, here's one.  It perfectly describes our relationship at this point in time.

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