Thursday, January 15, 2015

Little Yellow Truck

COSI is a great place for us to take Xavier on the weekends.  We bought a membership and try to take him there at least once every weekend.  Now that he's walking, it's a whole different experience.  Last weekend, he walked straight to the yellow truck, where a kid was already sitting in the driver's seat, and tried to climb on top of him.  At this age, it's fun to watch him behave without any regard to social norms!  Anyway, he played in the passenger seat for a while, then moved over to the driver's seat after the kid left.  He liked pushing the buttons and steering the wheel.

After about 20 minutes of him playing here, we picked him up and moved him to the water table.  He didn't fuss, but we could tell he still wanted to play on the truck.  We figured it was good to let him explore other things to do.

He played with the water for a while, squirting the guns and dumping water on his clothes and the floor.  He's so cute in the little apron!

Then, out of nowhere, he walks away from the table,
walks right through a group of adults that were standing and talking, again, with no regard for social norms (haha!),

and just starts walking with that little apron on!  We took it off and he kept walking.  Where is he going?!

back to the little yellow truck!

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