I try to keep my posts as positive as possible. I don't like to write about how tough it is being a mom, juggling full-time work and QT with the family, or complain about how no one ever talks about saying good-bye to sleeping in on the weekends or, my favorite, I no longer look forward to weekends to re-charge the batteries! Though I do look forward to weekends, it's in a completely different way. I think it's refreshing to share the hard times and for other moms to know they are not alone in this!
We experienced a rough spot this past weekend. And I must say, we were due :) Xavier got a stomach bug that resulted in lots of (get ready for gross) vomit, diarrhea, and inability to sleep or eat. Going in to this, Steve and I were exhausted and needed a break badly (hello MLK day off)! But, Sunday night, we were up every two hours, changing Xavier's bedding, vacuuming up vomit, trying to get the last set of bedding washed and ready for the next time he vomited, disinfecting the carpet, disinfecting the baby... I wanted a time out to sleep and I wasn't going to get it.
But, this is my life. It's what I wake up to and think about every day. How am I going to get past these rough spots, without going bonkers, and enjoy the present? That's the biggest challenge and I find not many moms talk about that part!
Where's Xavier??!!
At the end of the day, the chaos is really worth it. I now understand why mom's don't talk about how hard it is. Living through it is one thing, but when I look back on it, I only remember the positive. And when I think of the accomplishment of getting past this rough stage, I want to high-five Steve, YES! WE KICKED ASS! I never think back on the screaming because I gave him bananas when he wanted mac & cheese or the smell of the sick poop and vomit that loomed most of the past few days. It's more often the excitement he gets when we talk about his belly button, and the lift up of his shirt to search for it and stick his little finger in it. And when I'm lying on the floor and feel a tiny hand on my stomach because Xavier is trying to lift my shirt to find my belly button to stick his finger in, that really gets me rolling!