Monday, November 10, 2014

Thanksgiving Fashion Finds

Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away, so it's time to get the planning started!  For the second year in a row, we will be hosting the holiday at our house.  Last year, Xavier was just 3 months old for his very first Thanksgiving.  He was too young to indulge in the food and I'm so excited for him to eat a real Thanksgiving dinner this year!  We're not sure what we are serving, but I plan to have a few repeat dishes that were big hits from last year - sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows, cheesy potatoes, and crescent rolls with cinnamon butter.  I'll post our recipes soon!

Things I'm most excited about are the cheesy potatoes, football, putting up the Christmas tree, more cheesy potatoes, and watching Christmas Vacation.

On to some toddler fashion finds.  Here are some of my favorites for Thanksgiving Day!

The trick to getting Xavier to keep a hat on is to distract him while putting it on and snap pics as quickly as possible.  We only get a few good shots, but if we don't distract him with the iPhone or a toy, he will take it off before it even gets on his head!

Regardless, I'm excited to start planning our menu and for the cooking that comes along with it.  We have been working with Xavier on how to use the kitchen tools so he can help in the kitchen too.  You can see how nicely our efforts are coming along...  :)

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