Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Favorites

Things are starting to fall into place for us with Xavier's transition to the new daycare room.  Although his routing is more predictable, he is going to bed at 7 on the dot!  Meaning Steve and I have to race home from daycare, stuff the kid with some bites of food before he gets too fussy to eat, and fly him through his bath.  I imagine it's a humorous Olympic show to watch us do this every night!  He doesn't wake up until 7 or 8 the next morning.  Rinse and repeat.

Changes in a baby's routine are a rough part of raising a kid.  I think we are all finally getting used to this routine after a few weeks of it.  Even though it's not ideal with him sleeping in so late sometimes, at least we have the flexibility in our work schedules to allow us to go in to work late and not have to disrupt his sleep.

Well-rested baby and his best friend.

I was recently introduced to the The BabyLit children's books and it's a wonderful series!  We like the Alice and Wonderland book for colors and I've got my eye on the Frankenstein anatomy book for Halloween.  This weekend's house project will be to mount the photo ledges we bought onto Xavier's wall to display some of his favorite Halloween books in his room.  Nobody ever said we weren't festive over here!

With cooler weather upon us, I'm craving comfy clothes (wearing my hoodie and leggings as I type this) and fall decor.  Have you gotten your hands on any of the new Bath and Body Works scented candles?!  My favorite ones that just hit stores are the Blackberry Bramble Tea and Vanilla Chai.  Since chai tea lattes are my all-time favorite Starbucks beverage, I'm partial to the spicy, vanilla scents!

Vests are hitting stores now!!  I saw this adorable vest for Xavier in the store window the other day and I also saw this one for myself!  How cute would we look to both go out in our matching tops?!

Happy Friday!  We are excited about have friends & family over for the weekend!

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