Monday, June 9, 2014

Hands and Feet

In our neighborhood, it's customary for people to put unwanted items on their curb the weekend before trash is picked up in hopes someone will take it and save them from the $3 trash sticker that must be placed on items for the garbage people to pick up.  A very popular item is kids toys.  Last weekend, while driving around, I saw a house that had, I'm not kidding, 20 boys toddler toys neatly arranged on their curb.  All for free, just asking for someone to come take them off their hands.  Yes, yes, double yes!  I got a Little Tykes climber/gym/slide thing, a scooter, a buggy for the kid with a handle for us to push, and a foam play mat that puts together like puzzle pieces.  All too big for X right now, but perfect for the upcoming year.  I saved us like $300 in kids toys!

This post is a special tribute post to my favorite baby parts - handsies and footsies.  Oh how I love it when they are soooo tiny and chubby on the babies!  Here are some good ones.  Enjoy!

Looks professional, huh?

And P.S. - We used to struggle with night time leaks out the diapers.  Tried Pampers Nighttime diapers which were an expensive joke.  Just use your regular diapers and go up a size, people.  Works like a charm.

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