Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Favorites

Ahhh, we made it through another week!  Happy Friday!  I had a slight mishap at the grocery store the other day.  When it's nice out, I try to run errands on my lunch break to make more time in the evenings for playing with X.  So I went to the grocery store (we haven't been in weeks because of all the freezer meals, but just finished the last one) and picked up about $150 worth of groceries, including the fixings for a perfect lunch before heading back to work.  And some chocolate peanut-butter cookies.  Well, as I reached to grab my credit card, I realized I left my wallet at work.  Panic!  Have you ever done this?  I freaked out!  

I told the checkout lady I'm in there all the time and asked what to do.  She said she'd ring up all the items, keep the receipt so I could pay it later, bag the groceries and put them all in the cart, and someone would put my cart in the cooler until I came back to pay.  Ah-ha!  I wasn't the first to do this :)  But, I didn't get to take my groceries home.  Didn't get to eat my nicely planned lunch.  And, those cookies..... :(  When I went back, the service desk lady had my receipt right on top of her clipboard and called someone to bring out my cart.  I paid off the receipt that was printed out earlier, and was off!  Easy-peasy!  So next time you have a slight panic that you forgot your wallet while in the checkout line, don't worry.  It's nbd.

On to this week's favorites.

1.  Apparently, there is such a thing as grilled angel food cake?  Hello, and welcome to my life as I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you.

2.  I have been on the search for a while to find lemonade that tastes as good as Chick-fil-A's lemonade.  All of the recipes I found call for a juicer and look what I just found!  I love the pretty handle.  It is the prettiest kitchen utensil of all time and will be sitting out on my kitchen counter all summer long!  There is a whole line of products with the same pattern that I adore.  And I love this flatware set to go with it.  It would match the outdoor dinner set we already have perfectly.  But, I need to find a cheaper look-a-like on Ebay or Amazon, because I'm not spending $300 on 8 sets of flatware!

3,  I've been binge watching Orange is the New Black this week.  Season 2 just came out earlier this month.  If you haven't seen it yet, it's about a woman from the suburbs who finds herself in a woman's prison because of a crime she committed 10 years ago.  It's hilarious, raunchy, and engaging.  Do yourself a favor this weekend and rent seasons 1 & 2 on Netflix.  Sit on the couch, pop some popcorn, and waste your entire weekend glued to your TV.  You will thank me later :)  And, if you don't pay the high monthly fee for superfast Internet for HD streaming (like me), check out Chromecast.  I love this little gadget.  Shows come in crystal clear, sometimes it seems even better than HD.  It allows us to shoot whatever is on our computer directly to the TV.  Also comes in handy when you want a big screen for showing pictures, YouTube clips, or just browsing the Internet.

4.  This delicacy, watermelon on a stick.  Before your mind gets blown on how in the world we concoct such a complicated food, it is in fact as stupid easy as it looks.  I don't know why the crowds go wild for something on a stick, but trust me.  It's kinda like how excited I get kids get when they are at the fair and see those giant corn dogs on the stick.  Your kiddos will eat ten more of these than if they were OFF the stick.  Ya, it makes no sense to me either.  Just go with it.

To do - with a sharp knife, cut a slice in the green part of the melon, about the width of a popsicle stick.  Insert stick.  Hand to child.  Phew, hope you can handle that!

5.  Frozen fruit in my rose or white wine acts just like an ice cube!  I used frozen grapes because they don't add flavor to the wine.  But, for fun, you could match your frozen fruit to the flavors in your wines.

Happy weekend!  Enjoy the longest days of the year!    

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