Sunday, March 23, 2014

Month 1 Favorites & Registry (pt. 2)

Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier - We used this baby carrier the first couple months until Xavier got to be too heavy for me to comfortably carry around.  It was comfortable to wear and had nice neck support for the babe.
Munchkin Bottle Brushes - Super cheap, which is good since you are supposed to replace them every 30 days.  The brush gets in the bottles well and the nipple brush is a nice feature.
Avent Bottles - Every baby is different, but after trying out the Playtex brand we found Xavier liked these better.  We tried the Dr. Brown bottles too, but there were so many parts it made cleaning difficult.  The nipple is very sturdy on these and Xavier found it easier to latch onto them.  I believe drop-in liners are available on Amazon but we never used them.  I hear the liners are nice for day care because you don't have to wash bottles as frequently.  Oh, and don't waste your money buying too many of the smaller 4 oz. bottles.  You won't use them long enough to justify the purchase!  Stock up on the 9 oz.'ers!  Buy enough to get you through an entire day or you'll be constantly washing bottles!  If only formula feeding, babies usually eat every 3 hours.
Similac Neosure - Our little guy was a preemie arriving 6 weeks before his due date.  The hospital recommended feeding him this formula for the first 9 months to help him catch up in weight and height.  Since Xavier was a big preemie at 7.5 lbs birthweight, we only used this formula for a few months before switching to regular formula.  He was starting to get in the 99th percentile and around 2 months, we figured he'd been on this formula long enough and decided to stop using NeoSure.  You have to use your own judgement sometimes!
Similiac Sensitive Formula - Xavier was in the hospital his first 2 wks of life, which made it nearly impossible for me to breastfeed since I was home.  After a week of trying to exclusively pump (pumping is a nightmare, by the way), we decided to formula feed him.  Hospitals will try to brainwash you in to thinking breast is best, but you have to do what's best for you and baby.  Breast feeding is not for everyone, especially if your baby is premature, and Xavier is one of the healthiest babies my pediatrician has seen.  He is 7 months old and made it though this winter without ever getting sick or having a fever/infection.  Other moms are shocked when I tell them that.  Oh, young babies tend to have constipation issues, but my pediatrician recommended giving him an ounce of apple juice 3 times a day and using gas drops.  It kicked the problem!
Motorola Digital Baby Monitor - Great for easing your fears of not hearing your crying baby when you're asleep.  I was afraid to sleep the first few days Xavier was home.  This monitor helped ease my worries.  It has night vision, tells you the temperature of the baby's room, and has a feature that lets you talk to your baby.  We sometimes take the monitor with us when hanging out on the back porch.  After 3 months or so, you will want to throw this thing out the window, but it put us at ease early on.  Some monitors have features where you can stream the video to your phone or hook the video up to wi-fi so you or grandparents can see the baby at all times.  I was around him a lot when I was on maternity leave and didn't feel the need to be THAT connected.
BabyGanics Hand Sanitzer - Great for after all those diaper changes and first few months when you don't want anyone to touch your baby without clean hands.  This sanitizer doesn't dry out your hands so feel free to use as often as you like!  But make sure to wash with real soap after all poopy diapers!
Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive diapers - newborn - We didn't have any trouble with these diapers leaking and there is a cutout for the baby's healing belly button.  A little expensive, so we just used these when Xavier was in newborn/size 1 diapers.  Don't stock up on too many packs of newborn diapers; they aren't in them long.
Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes - Huggies diapers aren't my favorite, but their wipes are great!  We tried several brands and found these to be the best value.  They are thick, which is nice for poopy diapers because you won't go through as many wipes, and they are a good price.  Stock up on a TON of these.  You will go through them quickly!!
Boppy pillow - I've been using this pillow almost daily the past 7 months.  It's great for supporting the baby while he's feeding, you can prop him on it laying down on his back, use it to for tummy time, and we are now using it to support him while he sits.
Boon Lawn Drying Rack - A stylish way to dry your bottles and accessories.  We also use it to dry his spoons and sippy cups.  Buy the largest one you can find (the lawn version, not the grass version) and you can purchase branches that are good for holding the bottle nipples.
Aden & Anais Swaddle Wraps - My absolute favorite for swaddling the first few months.  These blankets are big, stretchy, and made of breathable material.  As Xavier grew, we found he outgrew other swaddle blankets, but these were big enough to always work for him.  Now we use these as his security blanket and don't have to worry if they cover his mouth.  He can breathe right through the material.
See complete registry list here.

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