Audra had her 2 month doctor's appointment this week (1 week late), including 3 shots. Dr. Jen was amazed by how much Audra was socializing with her. Lots of coos and ahhs. Audra's measurements have come down slightly in the percentile range and are now height (24 inches) and weight (13 lb 2 oz) around the 93rd percentile. We have seen such a transformation in her personality over the past few weeks, she is becoming a very happy, laid back baby, and she still loves being held and laughing at the silly faces her big brother gives her. Xavier always knows how to tame her crying, by telling me she needs a bottle or a diaper change. :)
Right before she got her 2 month shots. Notice the bottle is full and ready!
Right before she got her 2 month shots. Notice the bottle is full and ready!
Sleep is going well. She moved into her crib this week and started sleeping just like always starting with the first night. As for her schedule, daytime sleep is all over the place, catnaps all day long, between 20 minute to 1.5 hour naps, but night time sleep is very consistent. She starts getting tired around 7pm, we put her down, either in her crib or swing, then at 10 or so, we sneak in a full bottle and tuck her in her sleep sack, and she usually sleeps until 4 or 5am. She eats again, then goes right back down until 3 hours later, when she wakes up for the day. She usually naps on the way to the babysitter and stays asleep until her next bottle. Then she's up pretty much all day.

Audra loves being outside, loves stroller rides, and likes to sit in her bouncer on the back deck while we play with Xavier and listen to music. She likes being held, or just left alone in one of her seats to chill. As long as we don't put her in her own room while she's awake, she's content. She hates being away from the attention and likes to keep an eye on things. Audra is becoming a pro at tummy time, either on me, on her gym mat or boppy pillow, or on my chest. She also likes looking up at the mirror on her swing and listening to Baby Einstein music or Disney princess lullabies.
She isn't the biggest fan of her pacifier, unlike Xavier who was absolutely addicted to it. She's up most of the day observing her world around her, and Xavier constantly slept at this age. She's very active, and during tummy time I swear she's about to start crawling but Xavier HATED tummy time and refused to try crawling until much later on. She fusses quite a bit in the evenings for no reason at all and Xavier only cried if he was tired, hungry, or needed a new diaper. It's fun to watch the differences between the two kids emerge and we can't wait to watch her grow into her own little self!
Her little smile lights up a room, and she loves to give us smiles, coos, and kicks when we greet her. Her most difficult/fussy time is between 5pm and 8pm, which we have dubbed her "witching hour". It's rough to get through!
Her little smile lights up a room, and she loves to give us smiles, coos, and kicks when we greet her. Her most difficult/fussy time is between 5pm and 8pm, which we have dubbed her "witching hour". It's rough to get through!
Xavier is growing up so fast, attending sleepovers at his grandparents or friend's houses every time we turn around. He's going through an independent phase right now and the other night he and I talked about his behavior. I told him when he doesn't listen to me, it drives me nuts. He responded, "but Jesus and God still love me." He's got me there!